Thursday, December 29, 2011

A New Workout and The Holiday Bowl!

Yesterday was awesome. seriously. 

It started off with hanging out and doing some work with my sister (okay, we were watching Dexter... that stuff is seriously addicting) -- which is always fun!

I was planning on taking a rest day yesterday... aka my legs were tired and I'm lazy... but then Sister announced she was going to get a quick workout in before we headed out for the big game.

The workout? BOXING.
Sister joined a boxing team in Boston and she's been trying to convince me it's a super fun, super fast, and super effective workout -- so, I gave it a shot.

We wrapped our wrists and grabbed our gloves and pads. 

The workout:
- 2 minutes of punching combinations (jab, punch, hook, upper cut, upper cut) which we repeated 3 times each.
- a minute of "punch out," where you punched non-stop for a minute
- 5 uphill sprints (these were more like accelerations because they were long as ffffaaackkk)
- 1.5 mile jog/cool down

The whole workout took about 55 minutes and I was sweating afterwards!  NICE.  I'm excited because I finally found a workout that I enjoy that isn't a long distance run

Then we got our Cal gear on and headed to Qualcomm for the HOLIDAY BOWL GAME!

We scored 2 free tickets from a friend of my who's on the team and they were prime seats.  We were in the "players' guest section" in row 2.  Front and center, baby!

Of course, as much as we loved cheering on our team, we were really excited about the stadium food.  Yes, nachos, brats, and churros are delicious -- but we decided to walk around a survey our options before deciding on anything.  We stumbled upon 4 food trucks that had killllller menu options!


We decided on the Redneck Tacos: two tacos on a cornbread pancake, filled with pulled pork, bacon, and jalapenos-pickled coleslaw.  oh my... oh my. 

Honestly, this was one of the best things I've ever tasted.  The combination of the semi-sweet cornbread with the bacon and the spicy slaw AND the pulled pork that melts in your mouth.. I'm seriously still raving about it.  Sister agrees.  BEST STADIUM FOOD EVER. 

We also snagged some typical nachos :) complete with that fake cheese we all know and love.

And then it was time for dessert!
We split a double scoop of cookie dough and rocky road ice cream in a waffle cone.

We finished off our cone while we watched the first half.
Cal was winning but all the fumbles will eventually screw you over....

We snagged kettle corn to snack on.
But come half time, we knew where to head for a little round of dessert #2!

Back to the food trucks for....
Corner Cupcakes -- the WINNERS OF CUPCAKE WARS on The Food Network!!!!

They had all these football themed cupcakes (like "the touchdown" and "the endzone") but we decided on a Cookies and Cream Cupcake filled with Chocolate Ganache and topped with Mint Chocolate Chip frosting anddddd A Peanut Butter Cupcake filled with Chocolate Ganache and topped with a Vanilla Buttercream frosting! 

Guy, when did stadium food get so delicious?

We caught the last half of the half-time show -- super cool.

Navy seals parachuted into the stadium!

There were even some fireworks!  Like 5 different rounds of them..
It was a really fun time!

We enjoyed the food, the fans, and the game! minus the fumbles...
And, of course, we kept scoping out the players and ranking their hottness and datability based on their bodies (yes, we were those girls).  We also met up with a friend of mine who was at the game!

Overall, awesome!!
Tonight is my baby bro's birthday dinner -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROTATO CHIP!

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