Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Listen to Your Body

Sorry for being sort of MIA today.  We were a pretty busy family...

Sister and I woke up at 6 to get our usual run up the mountain but strangely, neither one of our bodies felt up for it.  So, she taught me yet another valuable lesson: listen to your body.  Unfortunately, mine seems to be screaming for sleep and pastries.  What's a girl to do?

Compromise - run/walk the 5 miles.  Plus add in some extra walking throughout the day!

Breakfast was an assortment of unpictured pastries :)  They weren't photographed because they were consumed before I stopped to think about breathing in between bites... But basically I had some meat bourek, a bit of healthy donut, some cheese streusel, and some corn flakes!

Amazingly fresh cold cuts!! I could live off this stuff

Bakery bread :) this shop is 5 houses down from our apartment...
Put it all together for some sandies!
And then Dad came up with a cool idea and took some fresh roasted pork we got from the market to create a sort of Croatian pilaf dish with rice, zucchini, beans, and pork.  It was amazing! Leave it to the Asian to make a "fried rice" in a foreign country....


 I needed a little bit o greeeens for the digestive system... you know how high maintenance it can be.  Stupid intestines have a mind of their own and they tend to give me a hard time

Um... can you say two "maxi" sized pizzas?!

Half prosciutto and half zucchini and cheese

Half shrimp and basil and half "mexican" (peppers and pepperoni)
 We all divided these humongo slices in half and sampled each type of pizza.  My favorite was probably the Mexican pizza because the flavor was intense!

Courtesy of our neighborhood bakery and farmers market :)

Don't know but it looks damn good - chocolate cake?!

BEST watermelon you'll ever taste

After dinner, sister and I met up with our cousin and his friend and went to go so Pirates of the Carribean in 3D, which was really cool!! Croatian subtitles are the new thing...

It was mostly cool because it was located in a gigantic, brand new mall, which I will most certainly be returning to.  Oh! Check out the awesome necklace my sister bought today:  One of a kind!

Off to dream about tomorrow's adventures :)

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